Unit #12
March 30-April 5
A Midsummer Night's Dream
William Shakespeare

The Teaser Trailer--you can always skip this video and the notes

The Overview--you can always skip this video and the notes

Plot 1
Take notes over the plot and put here

Plot 2
Continue to take notes over the plot and put here

Meet the Cast
Take notes over the characters and put here

Theme 1
Take notes over the theme and put here

Theme 2
Continue to take notes over the theme and put here

etc, etc
Keep taking notes under each heading until you get through all the videos
Assignment 12.4
In this assignment, you will be going to the site "60 Second Recap" 
and watching videos discussing Animal Farm
(click on the icon).  When you get to the site, look on the right 
hand column at the section labeled "Recaps for this Book".  
Watch the following videos:  overview, plot, characters,  theme 1,
theme 2, final analysis.  And, take notes over each of the 6 videos.

Here is the format for taking notes over the videos:

Under each section heading of the notes, you need to have at least 5-7 well thought-out sentences to receive full credit for this assignment.
(1 hour)

Note:  Always submit your notes as: 
Title of Document: "12.4; Name of Novel" Notes 

Submit 12.4 by April 1 (30 points)

Assignment 12.6
Last assignment of the week:  

College Students Only

This week, I would like you to focus on one particular thing you learned from class this week and write exclusively on that topic.  For example, if an event happened in Oliver Twist that really made you think, write about it, or if something happened at home, write about it.  It doesn't have to be a learning experience necessarily from the course material, it may be an experience that happened while 'living life"

To receive full credit, you should have 10-15 well-thought out sentences (which means several paragraphs written in correct form...topic sentences with support)

(30 minutes)

Submit 12.6 by April 5 (10 points)

If you are here...YOU ARE DONE FOR THE WEEK!!  It's popsicle time!!

Assignment 12.1
Continue reading Oliver Twist this week.  Read pp 249-297 of the book for this week.

For this assignment, I would like you to give me "bullet" statements of what has happened in this week's reading.  Also, make comments on at least 4 of the bullet statements.

Title the assignment:  "12.1; Ollie; pp 249-297 bullets".
(2 hours)

Submit 12.1 by April 5  (20 points)

Assignment 12.5
In this assignment, you will be clicking on the novel icon below.  This will take you to the Sparknotes website for the novel.

Your job for this assignment?  
~Read the "plot overview"

~write 12 bullet statements listing the 
events of the plot in order, as well as the characters
and setting  (who did what, when?)

~from these bullet statements, write a one paragraph 
summary of the plot.  Make sure you include the setting, 
the main characters, and what happened in the story.  Also, a good summary includes the basics of the entire storyline, rather than just the beginning, or your favorite parts.

~write a well-developed response to the novel.  Did you like it?  Did you hate it?  Why?

Here is how "your response" should be done:
First sentence MUST tell me whether you liked the story or not and include your two reasons why you liked or didn't like the story.  The rest of that first paragraph MUST support your first reason with examples from the novel to back up your reasoning.  The second paragraph MUST support your second reason with examples from the novel.

Remember:  The second sentence in the first paragraph MUST be your topic sentence for the first reason.  The first sentence of the second paragraph MUST be your topic sentence for the second reason.

The "response" to the story must be 5-7 well-developed sentences for each of the two paragraphs to receive full credit.

Note:  Always submit your Summary/Response Paper as: 
Title of Document: "12.5; Summary/Response--Name of Novel
(2 hours)

Submit 12.5 by April 2 (30 points)

Weekly Video (watch this before doing anything else this week)
Assignment 12.3

Author/Poet Posters Assigned 
Click here to go to the instruction page and get the author/poet assigned to you this week

Submit Assignment 12.3 April 2

60 Second Recap for College Level Only